Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I got my BGE bill yesterday and it's $216. My average bill over the summer was around $65 and my bill last month was $144. My highest bill before December was around $90 (since last March when I bought the place). How the F did my bill get that high. I keep my house below 55 degrees and have the supposedly more efficient radiator heat. The electric portion of my bill actually went down from last month ... the gas usage per day went up 50%. How is this possible, the average daily temp only went down 5 degrees. My house is less than 850 square feet. I turned my heat and my hot water heater down from last month. I rarely even hear the boiler running. Really ... What-The-Fuck!!!

So, I am thinking I am just going to shut the boiler down and hope none of my pipes freeze. I don't mind the cold and have nice blanket to wrap up in.


Cham said...

I haven't turned my furnace on in years. If you live in the middle of the row you shouldn't have to worry about anything freezing. Neither one of my neighbors this year have their heat on right now too. I sit near the kitchen and heat only that room. My BGE bill stays under $100. So, go ahead and turn off that boiler. I like a hot shower so I keep my water heater on nice and toasty. For further savings, don't run the dryer and use clothes lines. Wash your pots and pans by hand and run the dishwasher sparingly. Give as little as possible to that creep Shattuck and his whorish wife.

Anonymous said...

I found your blog on a google search. My bge bill doubled also. It's ridiculous and no way that can be right. Heard several other people experienced the same thing.

Jenny said...

so to any of those "loose" women that come to your house(according to the sign)...I suggest that they bring a sleeping bag.
As for the bill, that is crazy and would suggest you talk to BGE about a payment plan.

Anonymous said...

found you via Google, too (looking for BGE payment plan). we're in Hampden and our bill almost doubled, too, for no apparent reason. same deal--electricity actually went down. wtf.